My mission is to help small business owners make their businesses as successful and profitable as possible, while still having work/life balance, and provide them with the tools to take their businesses to the next level and beyond, so they can build a business that leaves a legacy, and that they can pass on to their children or sell when they are ready.
About me
I am a natural connector and networker and have been called the networking queen. I have a couple of friends that we always joke that between all of us, we know everyone in the city! I'm good at putting people at ease and finding out what they need in their business. I bring people together who need to know each other for greater success in their businesses and I love doing that!
I am an experienced coach, and talent management, and organizational development professional with experience in the oil & gas, technology, and many other industries. I have over 20 years of training, coaching, and consulting experience, both as a business owner and in the corporate arena—specializing in building talent management and leadership development programs. I hold an M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Houston, and a B.S. in Psychology from Sam Houston State University, and studied Public Relations at Texas A&M University. I am a Licensed MasterMind Executive Coach, Career Coach, and I was the first Licensed Professional Business Coach in Houston, Texas, and was a founding member of the Professional Business Coaches Alliance. I have coached, consulted with, and trained thousands of people.
I have fostered with Houston Area Doberman Rescue for many years, so anything Doberman, anything on or near the water - boating, fishing, skiing, anything outdoors (when it's not a million degrees) - camping, hiking, snow skiing, dancing, shooting pool, learning & growth, spending time with friends and family, travel, and new adventures.