Speaker Series

Sales Mastery

I was born to be in sales.

I started selling as a kid – it’s funny what I’d do to win a Trapper Keeper – or what I’ll do today for a $25 gift card. I’m a sucker for contests.

Today, I’m the President and founder of Skillway, where we teach people to CRUSH their sales goals and love what they do! We're a relationship-based sales coaching, sales training, and strategic coaching firm serving our clients nationwide.

I’ve spent my entire career in sales, sales management, and sales training. I love being in the field and the classroom. It’s an even balance between seeing our clients win and taking pride in being a salesperson.

I've trained tens of thousands of salespeople and spent over 3,500 hours training in a classroom setting. I’ve coached hundreds of sales producers and leaders in all industries and spent over 5,000 hours coaching producers and executives one-on-one.

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Embracing and Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn

Learn from one of America's leading evangelists on the topic of LinkedIn. This session will help to inspire you to make the most from your LinkedIn experience. If you're not fully optimized, if you don't have a connection strategy, and most importantly, if you're not getting business from LinkedIn, this is an event you don't want to miss

About Ron

Ron Sukenick is the president and founder of the Relationship Strategies Institute, a global training and business development company that provides businesses with strategies for developing and effectively utilizing deeper professional relationships.

One of America’s leading authorities on the topics of LinkedIn, business networking and relationship strategies, Ron’s inspiring approach to working with those in business creates immediate and measurable results.

Ron Sukenick is a dynamic presenter, intuitive business coach, and best selling author. He has written four books, with his most recent book, 21 Days to Success with LinkedIn, becoming an Amazon best seller.

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For more than 25 years, Dr. James Flowers has been one of the most recognized and respected names in the field of chronic pain, pain recovery, and addiction. With his broad educational background and extensive experience in both the evaluation and treatment of chronic pain and co-occurring addiction, he is recognized as an expert.

Dr. Flowers has completed several fellowships in behavioral pain management complete with clinical rotations.

He personally developed pain and addiction recovery programs for some of the best-known healthcare and addiction treatment centers in the country. He directed programs integrating assessment and treatment planning with a course of treatment to promote successful recovery.

Dr. Flowers also co-founded several well-known, exclusive treatment programs in the state of Texas, dedicated to his passion – that of designing multidisciplinary addiction treatment with clinical protocols, to help individuals suffering from addiction, chronic pain and other underlying disorders, successfully recover. With a demonstrated commitment to create positive change in the lives of his clients, he is dedicated to progressive healthcare, human healing, and to developing healthcare systems which best serve this population.

Dr. Flowers has been arranging assessments and evaluations for many years, but in founding J. Flowers Health Institute, he has advanced the process to satisfy a great void – to provide truly comprehensive assessment and evaluation for those who need diagnosis, and to then develop post-evaluation treatment recommendations. Having spent over 28 years in the Texas medical and clinical community, Dr. Flowers is uniquely qualified to assemble some of the finest health care professionals in the world to perform these evaluations and treatment.

Over the years, Dr. Flowers’ passion and dedication to his clients, as well as his unique approach, has earned him an exceptional reputation as one of the nation’s premier experts. He is a popular public speaker and lecturer to audiences across the United States and abroad and has led an exceptional and distinguished career.

“Everything is about you. Everything is about your health.”

Hi there! Derek Coburn here. I’d love to have an opportunity to get to know you. headshot_derekI began my career as a financial advisor in 1998 and built a successful wealth management practice – which I still run today – mainly by outworking everyone else.

When the economy took a turn for the worse, I had to devote even more time to my existing clients.

I began using non-traditional networking strategies, which included creating an informal networking group consisting of my best clients and their top advisors, to triple my revenue and improve the quality of my business and life.

My passion for connecting remarkable professionals led me to start (along with my wife) an “un-networking” community in Washington, DC three years ago called cadre, which currently supports over 100 CEOs and business leaders.

We created cadre as a way for top-notch professionals to connect and develop meaningful relationships, efficiently and effectively, with the ultimate goal of working together to promote each other while adding value for their existing clients and network.

I have learned a lot about what works (and what does not) when it comes to developing and deepening professional relationships. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and ideas, while learning what is working for you.