My Profile | Network In Action(Fractional COO) Shane Sloan's profile
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    Shane Sloan Consulting
  • Phone
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  • Email
  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    I love to build the 'engine' of small businesses. It's incredibly fulfilling to work with a small business and clean them up. By improving their operations, work becomes more fun and less tedious. Meetings become invigorating. Growth kicks in. Customers are happy, employees are happy, and owners finally have the time to work on growing their business instead of firefighting.
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    Do you feel like you can't let go - that things won't get done if you don't constantly pay attention to them?
    Are you or your team struggling with accountability and progress? Are you moving as fast as you'd like?
    Are you working on the things you want to, or are you constantly stuck firefighting instead?
  • Unique Selling Proposition
    I'm far more technical than your average executive - I used to code - and I have an MBA from Vanderbilt. I speak both Nerd and Business fluently. I have experience leading in most functions of small business and can use that to guide your own leaders with a roadmap and mentoring.
  • About me
    I have 15+ years of progressive leadership experience. I have a tech background and an MBA from Vanderbilt; I speak both Nerd and Business fluently. I am an EOS Integrator. I'm former military (Blackhawk crew chief, US Army). This means I can improve and mature all areas of your small business. Your people will be happier, your customers will be delighted, and your business will grow. You will finally have the freedom to work ON your business instead of IN it.
  • Profession
    Fractinoal COO
  • Title
    Fractional COO & EOS Integrator
  • Hobbies and interest
    Disc Golf, Ball Golf, Skiing, generally anything outdoors.
  • Website
  • Contact Information

  • City / Town
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
    United States
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Education

  • College / University
    Vanderbilt Own Graduate School of Management
  • Graduation Year