Find out more about Ken Johnson here: your Network In A...
Find out more about Ken Johnson here: your Network In A...
Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
Dear M Intro,
Please virtually meet Ken Johnson, Ken is an Information Technology professional with an engineering background. I believe he could be of service to you and your company. I encourage you to connect with each other and investigate ways Ken's company can be of benefit to your company.
What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
US IT Systems is a complete Managed Services Provider (MSP) We keep your Information Technology systems secure and stable.
If it connects to your network we manage I.T.
Phones, Computers, Cloud Services, Email, Music, Cameras, Digital Signage, Backups, Disaster Recover.
Certifications SOC2, CMMC, HIPPA, PCI, NIST 800. We support and maintain cyber certifications.
We partner with Cyber Insurance companies. When an event occurs know you will be covered.
Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
Are you satisfied your IT is secure?
Do you believe you could survive a cyber attack?
Would you be willing to talk to an IT consultation for free?
Unique Selling Proposition
I have a wide range of knowledge and I use my engineering background to fit the puzzle pieces together. Todays systems contain many moving parts that require knowledge of how those parts fit together. Just as important as making the items work together is the ability to block where they parts do not fit preventing exploits.
About me
I built my first computer in 1978 based on an Intel 4040. In 1980 I purchased a copy of TEA by Christopher A Titus. I built and 8080 based computer and programmed it. After a power failure I learned the value of Backups! My first purchased computer was an IBM XT with a 16 color CGA Monitor. I guess we have come a long way.