My Profile | Network In Action(Health/Wellness) Bhakti Ishaya's profile
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    The Bright Path
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  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    Heaven on Earth is not a Dream; but, a Quest, a Destiny and the Purpose of our Existance. It is Our Birthright!!
  • About me
    Bhakti was president and CEO of a MN based national company and then worked as a consultant for a variety of companies.
    He learned the practice of Ascension in 1997 and became a teacher in 2015.

    Bhakti is a modern day monk with an international organization called The Bright Path. Ascension, which he teaches, is an effective inter practice. He and most others experience it as being beyond meditation.

    Bhakti, and many others, have found that an effective inter practice leads to abundance in all areas of one's life.
    He taught 2 people that have published books. And also 3 others have expanded their organizations internationally. They, as well as others, have found peace in their lives.

    About Ascension:

    "I’ve practiced various meditation methods for over 30 years and benefited greatly. I hesitate to call it meditation, for it is far beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. The method is incredibly simple and profoundly effective! Meditation has never been so easy.

    LB, USA, Church Minister

    Bhakti is a contributing author for a book that will be published by a 6 times Best Selling Author this spring.
  • Profession
    Teacher of The Practice of Ascension
  • Title
    Ishaya Monk
  • Hobbies and interest
    Reading; Yoga and discussing Consciousness
    Love to play
  • Website
  • Contact Information

  • City / Town
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  • Country
    United States
  • Google Business Review URL
    The Bright Path MN