Danna Olivo - Breaking Barriers Into Government Contracting - March 19th, 2025

Danna Olivo is a seasoned government contrac2ng specialist with over 35 years of experience in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construc2on (AEC) and technology industries. Her experience has stemmed from product development through specifica2on and construc2on preparedness, to design, construc2on and aEer-market. Throughout her career, Danna has been a strategic force, providing invaluable insights and leadership in business development and marke2ng within the public arena.

Her exper2se in government procurement has posi2oned her as a key player in naviga2ng the complexi2es of federal and state contracts, par2cularly in the AEC, Technology and Green Energy sectors.

During the AEC Market Slowdown from 2006 to 2012, Danna recognized the poten2al for U.S. firms to expand their reach through government contracts. She played a pivotal role in helping AEC companies leverage opportuni2es in interna2onal markets, such as Brazil, and guided them through the intricate process of securing contracts related to major global events, including the World Cup and Summer Olympics.

Danna's excep2onal skills in market research and feasibility analysis have been instrumental in iden2fying and capitalizing on government contrac2ng opportuni2es. Her ability to an2cipate market trends and understand the nuances of government procurement has allowed her to successfully guide her clients in securing lucra2ve contracts.

With a collabora2ve approach, Danna has worked closely with mul2disciplinary teams to develop innova2ve solu2ons that meet the specific requirements of government projects. Her deep understanding of the procurement process and commitment to staying ahead of market trends make her an asset in securing contracts for small and medium business leaders with federal, state and municipal agencies.

As a visionary leader in government contrac2ng, and having worked na2onally and interna2onally, Danna is poised to con2nue driving the success of her clients in securing contracts that will shape the future of sustainable energy and infrastructure development, while providing a plaXorm for growth for her clients. Her dedica2on to environmental sustainability and her extensive experience in the AEC and technology industries ensure that she remains at the forefront of this cri2cal domain.

A mentor and instruc2onal speaker, Danna is a four-2me #1 Best Selling Author with Amazon. She also speaks regularly before organiza2ons, community groups and corporate events on Government Contrac2ng helping small and medium business leaders create inroads into this lucra2ve revenue genera2ng market.

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