4/3/23 (Houston, Texas) - According to the Small Business Administration (2021) there are 32.5 million small businesses doing under $1M in revenue with less than 5% doing $1M or more, or 1.6 million who are doing well. The American Veteran is highly trained to become successful in their unique mission and aligned to be a cohesive global fighting force; however, there is no clear guide to designing or mapping out a future life in the civilian sector.
“My long-time friend Kathy Bowersox, Business Coach and franchise owner of Network In Action (NIA) Business Force approached me a few years ago to talk about helping veterans to grow their businesses, including mine,” says Marine Veteran Andy Valadez and Marketing Strategist of Marketing Dynamics based in Houston, “I had been doing a lot of volunteer work with the American Legion, the Marine Corps League and other veterans service organizations, all geared to helping vets from all eras.”
Kathy and Andy began working with NIA Veterans Business Force (VBF) with a small cadre of prior service leaders of all branches and then they and their members inspired and were part of the launch of the Houston Veterans Chamber of Commerce, which has garnered the attention of the city, corporations, individuals, and other support organizations. Then A Million Veteran Millionaires (MVM) was born to expand the message and reach nationally.
Promotional Video: (1:05 min.)
“I was thrilled to see the development of the A Million Veteran Millionaires program from VBF founding member, Andy Valadez. He and the MVM program exemplify the spirit of NIA, that of helping fellow business owners grow their businesses together. Through both the MVM program and NIA Business Force we are helping veteran and other business owners scale their businesses,” said Bowersox.
Kathy was featured in February to talk about her extensive work helping businesses to succeed and her strong interest in helping veterans.
Kathy’s interview on MVM: (57:53 min.)
Past Guests: Author/Speaker and Marine Veteran Akshay Nanavati, Author/Speaker/Real Estate Artist Frank McKinney (whose dad was a Vietnam Army veteran), Pastor Sam Childers aka Machine Gun Preacher (whose dad was a Vietnam era Marine), and 4-time Olympian/Author/Speaker Ruben Gonzalez.
A Million Veteran Millionaires is currently a free zoom call platform (limited to 100 for the live calls scheduled the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4pm CST). The Zoom features hosts Andy and Kathy, archived videos and audios of past guests, a recommended book list, access to Million Dollar Business University provided by NIA, a blog, branded merchandise, Marketing AI tools, Side Hustle info, and veterans business listing.
To learn more about A Million Veteran Millionaires, please visit:
For media inquiries, please contact:
Andy Valadez
Marketing Strategist
Marketing Dynamics
Direct: 713.560.3348