My Profile | Network In Action(Personal Lines Insurance) John Simeone's profile
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    John Simeone State Farm, Inc.
  • Phone
  • Mobile phone
  • Email
  • Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
    John is very straight forward and approachable. Regardless of whether he can help you or not, his mission is to help people just like you gain a clear understanding of how your coverage works, protects you and what you pay for. I guarantee your time with John will be well spent.
  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    Leveraging all my skillsets to provide clarity and communication as my clients voice of reason with something complicated and confusing like insurance is my why. Delivering on my promise of reliability and simplicity motivates me. My standard of "Never becoming my clients bearer of bad news" grounds me. Small business ownership is very creative for me. There is no ceiling. I am my only obstacle. I rarely feel like I'm actually working.
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    - Are you confident with the protection your personal insurance plan provides you?
    - Are you satisfied with your current personal insurance professional? Can you trust and rely on them?
    - Would it be of value if I introduced you to a straight forward insurance professional who will provide clarity and transparency to your personal insurance plan?

  • Unique Selling Proposition
    Reliable service, insurance made simple.
  • About me
    I was an actor, turned funeral director/embalmer, who finally became a State Farm Insurance Agent. I'm one of the biggest Rolling Stones fans you'll ever meet. I'm an Eagle Scout. I've been on Broadway, Off-Broadway and soap operas. I lived out my 20's in New York City and am a New Yorker at heart. I grew my mortuary business from a one man operation into one of the largest of it's kind in the Midwest. I was blessed in my mid 30's to re-connect with the "One who got away". Thankfully, I was also her "One who got away". After knowing and crushing on each other all the way back to the 6th grade? We finally got it right and have been married for 7 years. She introduced me to the insurance industry which I originally thought would be awfully boring. Some things are just meant to be and I love what I do! I'm a life long learner, always enjoy a great challenge and appreciate continuous self development. They say you're the sum of the 5 people you surround yourself with most. Professionally, those people for me are Jordan Belfort, Chris Voss, Ivan Meisner, Napolean Hill of course the Glimmer Twins - Keith & Mick.
  • Profession
    Insurance & Financial Services
  • Title
    Agency Owner
  • Hobbies and interest
    Living life with purpose, accumulate as few regrets as possible and never say, "What if....?" Collecting & reading books. Travelling with Jennifer. My faith. Inspiring others. Exercise, working out & nutrition. All things culinary! I love to cook and appreciate going to dinner to enjoy a meal which I can't make myself. I will always drive a Jeep & "Life IS Good". (Insert Jeep Wave)! I'm fascinated with The Navy Seals and outdoor survival. I enjoy all music genres, love going to concerts and am a metalhead at heart. The louder my music? The better! I would like to check hiking the entire Appalachian Trail off my bucket list. If I could go back and re-do my theatrical career, I would follow the advice of my vocal coach and become an opera singer. The Incredible Hulk is my favorite super hero.
  • Website
  • Contact Information

  • City / Town
    Saint Louis Park
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
    United States
  • Special offers to the group
    I will compliment and edify your professionalism & integrity when you refer me.
  • Google Business Review URL
  • Facebook Business Page URL
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Education

  • College / University
    New York University & American Academy McAllister Institute
  • Graduation Year