My Profile | Network In Action
  • Basic Information

  • Company
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  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    I own a home preventative maintenance company because I believe a well maintained home enhances the quality for life for the residents. Specialising in pressure washing and window cleaning I am able to help homeowners preserve the beauty and longevity of their properties. Seeing satisfaction from my clients when their home look renewed is what drives me everyday.
  • Unique Selling Proposition
    My company specializes in home preventative maintenance with a focus on pressure washing and window cleaning. We stand out by offering personalised services and attention to detail, ensuring every home looks its best and maintains its value. Our commitment to quality and reliability makes us a trusted choice for homeowners looking to enhance their property's appearance.
  • About me
    I am Nicholas Dimbero, I am 22 and have lived in Austin since I was about 8. I graduated high school from Rouse in learner isd, then went to pursue a business degree at Texas A&M. I recently moved back to Austin to start a Home preventative maintenance company, Renevado. Outside of work I enjoy hanging out with my son and going paddle boarding on the lake.
  • Profession
    Renevado Technician
  • Title
    Home Preventative Maintenance Specialist
  • Hobbies and interest
    In my freetime, I love paddle boarding, enjoying the peace and exercise it provides. I am also big into Golf, I appreciate that it allows me to enjoy the outdoors and it's a great bonding time with whoever I play with. Whether I am out on the lake or on the course, I find these hobbies to be both exciting & rejuvenating.
  • Website