My Profile | Network In Action
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    Elevate + Shift
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  • Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
    This is Kassi Heidenreich, she has over 28 years in corporate sales experience ranging from small businesses to Fortune 10 companies. She has a proven track record of sales success and helps people leverage their emotional intelligence and money mindset in order to create sales.
  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    I’ve created over $100M in sales since 2006.  I had the drive & dedication to build businesses for others until I hit the wall. I learned the hard way as an EMPLOYEE nothing is ever certain. The financial rug can be ripped out from under you at any time. 

    👉🏻In 2006, I closed a huge $270K deal. 

    🥳Celebrated w/ my boss signing the contracts that took 9 months to build. 

    ✍️As the ink was drying they realigned territories + the deal got pulled from my book.

    🫰🏻Just like that
    For 7 years I worked for that company
    👰‍♀️…… married
    👧🧒.. had 2 kids
    🔥………yet I still delivered over $45M in sales.
    All I was rewarded with a was a $250 Amex gift card that was taxed. 
    I left looking for greener grass only to find it was the same game different place.

    😢2 companies later, my boss walked into our sales meeting w/ tears announcing a 95% cut to our comp plan. 
    Teeth clenched, heart racing, my hands gripping the chair.  This meant that on a $1M deal commission went from $100K to $5K.  Can you feel that through the screen? In that moment is where everything shifted for me & I said, “no more!” 
    I’d sold millions in contracts for them.  For all my hard work to be cut down & worth 5% of what I've been?  I made the commitment to myself to never let another person tell me what I’m worth.  To walk away from something I had so deeply committed myself was heart breaking.  I was willing to burn down my entire career for the sake of my freedom + my family's future.
    🙌🏻THIS is why I get out of bed every day. 

    🔥I can’t STOP showing up because there is another woman out there sitting behind a screen trying to build the life of her dreams + is questioning her value + worth.  

    Things aren’t clicking for her & she’s looking for ME. 
    I will never leave another woman in a space questioning what she is worth. 
    I want to help her realize that money is there to support her and is a source of potential that gets to be amplified by her belief in herself. To help her unlock the freedom that she desires. And I’m acknowledging my own power and how every person I serve through my business, I will never allow them to walk away ever questioning what they’re worth again. She’s looking for me and I owe it to her not to let her down to find her and hold up the mirror to show her what she’s capable of. So on the days where no one likes a post, or a client drops off, or I’m reinvesting every penny back into my business…I am doing this for both of us.
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    What is holding you back from reaching your goal? Are you in a place where you would like to invest in some coaching? Are you open to coaching?
  • Unique Selling Proposition
    There is no overnight success, one size fits all sales strategy. The expectations of being an "overnight success" is an unrealistic narrative. The truth is it takes hard work, consistency, and dedication. I have been on this sales roller coaster my entire career and know what it takes to create success. If you don't have a sales background or know how to navigate creating success for yourself I will work with you on a custom plan to achieve those goals. It will be realistic, creative, and you will learn so much by working with me.
  • About me
    After 28 years in corporate sales, I have seen the gaps so many business owners have when it comes to building a solid sales structure for their business. I now help coaches & entrepreneurs build ethical sales strategies and practices by using emotional intelligence and create resiliency in their money mindset so they can build a life of wealth and freedom.
  • Profession
    Sales + Business Coach
  • Title
  • Hobbies and interest
    I am a wife and mother of 2 teenage kids. We moved to Washington state from Indiana in 2021 and are uncovering all that the Pacific North West has to offer. We love to spending time together and staying active. Hiking and working out are an essential part of my life and living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Website
  • Contact Information

  • City / Town
    Bonney Lake
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  • Country
    United States
  • Special offers to the group
    complimentary 90 min strategy session
  • Facebook Business Page URL
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Education

  • College / University
    Indiana University BA Telecommunications + BA Theater + Drama
  • Graduation Year