My Profile | Network In Action
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    Farrell’s Extreme Bodyshaping
  • Mobile phone
    +1 (763) 807-9703
  • Email
  • Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
    Cindi's passion for caring and supporting others is deeply ingrained in who she is. Seeing people improve, regain strength, and return to their lives is incredibly fulfilling for her. She has witnessed how structured fitness and nutrition can transform lives physically, mentally, and emotionally. Through fitness and nutrition coaching, she focuses on preventative care, empowerment, and sustainable lifestyle changes. Cindi finds it a privilege to guide and support others on their wellness journey, fostering a sense of community, support, and empowerment at Farrell's.
  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    Why I Chose Fitness and Nutrition Coaching
    Hello everyone,

    I hope this post finds you all well. Today, I wanted to share a bit about my journey and why I chose to dive into fitness and nutrition coaching—a decision that has profoundly enriched my life and, I hope, the lives of many others.

    A Lifelong Passion for Helping People
    For over 20 years, I have been a registered nurse, dedicating my career to helping people achieve better health and wellness. This passion for caring and supporting others is deeply ingrained in who I am. Seeing people improve, regain their strength, and return to their lives has always been incredibly fulfilling.

    Discovering Fitness Later in Life
    Despite my love for sports as a child, I never participated in teams beyond the house team or junior varsity. My true encounter with fitness came later in life, particularly after the birth of my third child. I began running and working out regularly, realizing how much it positively impacted my physical and mental well-being. Fitness became a cornerstone of my daily routine, helping me manage the demands of motherhood and my career.

    Finding Farrell's and Falling in Love
    The real turning point in my fitness journey came after the birth of my fourth child. I discovered Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping and instantly fell in love with the program. It wasn't just the physical transformation that captivated me; it was the sense of community, the support, and the empowerment that Farrell's provided. I saw firsthand how structured fitness and nutrition could change lives, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well.

    From Participant to Owner
    My passion for Farrell's grew to the point where I decided to take a significant step: becoming an owner. This role has allowed me to combine my nursing background with my love for fitness, enabling me to help others in a holistic way. I can now support people not just in their recovery from illness but in their overall journey to a healthier, more vibrant life.

    What I Love About Coaching
    What do I love most about fitness and nutrition coaching? It's simple—seeing people transform. Whether it's someone taking their first steps toward a healthier lifestyle, achieving a fitness milestone, or regaining confidence in their body, each success story is incredibly rewarding. I love being part of a supportive community that celebrates every victory, no matter how small.

    Fitness and nutrition coaching allows me to extend my passion for helping others beyond the hospital setting. It’s about preventative care, empowerment, and sustainable lifestyle changes. It's a privilege to guide and support others on their journey to wellness.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Looking forward to networking with you!
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    1. Is someone you know looking to lose weight for medical reasons?

    2. Do you know someone who wants to get back into fitness after a break and might feel hesitant about starting again or unsure about their current fitness level?

    3. Is there someone interested in getting a nutrition consultation to understand their body composition? We have an InBody scanner and nutrition-only packages to help achieve a healthier body composition, or we can provide education on what a healthy body composition looks like for them.
  • Unique Selling Proposition
    With Cindi, you receive personalized attention, preventative care, and sustainable lifestyle changes.
  • About me
    About Me
    On a more personal note, I am married and have four wonderful children ranging from 31 to 14 years old. Our family has grown even more with three grandchildren, ages 6 to 6 weeks, and two beloved dogs—a Great Dane and a Mini Golden Doodle. Growing up, I spent my high school years around the Buffalo area, but I moved several times throughout the Midwest during my childhood. Now, I enjoy spending time with my family and hosting events at our home in Arden Hills.
  • Profession
    Health and Wellness Coach, Registered Nurse
  • Title
  • Hobbies and interest
    Fitness, Travel, Cooking
  • Website
  • Contact Information

  • State
  • Country
    United States
  • Special offers to the group
    We have a 10 Week Challenge offered 4 times a year.
  • Google Business Review URL
  • Facebook Business Page URL
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Education

  • College / University
    Bethel University