My Profile | Network In Action
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    Ark Training Gym
  • Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
    Michael was a gymnast for almost half his life, practiced Jiu Jitsu for 4 years and has 8 years coaching experience from the ages of 4-70. Between many injuries, joint surgeries from his competitive years, and helping countless clients work out of chronic pain, he has a unique perspective to help you through discomfort or your own challenges into sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    The reason i do what i do is to help people step into the best physical, mental and spiritual condition possible. I truly believe that this ability is my gift to others from God. The longer i am in this position the more clear to me it becomes that i am to continue to grow in my abilities to help others grow in and outside the gym 🙏🏽
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    Are you looking for removing old unconstructive habits for good and replacing them with habits that will start and sustain your path toward your fitness/health goals? (the unconstructive habits may not be clear now, but that is what i will help with)
    Are you willing to learn exercises and skills that may be new to you, and listen to your body so we can grow toward your goals?
    Are you open to redefining how some things feel so we can differentiate between pain, discomfort and something that may just be weird and unfamiliar? (This will help us stay away from pain and continue to grow forward)

  • Unique Selling Proposition
    With having been a competetive gymnast for 11 years, and after 6 joint surgeries. I have a unique perspective on how to rebound from setbacks to be able to put myself in my clients shoes to be able to help with your specific needs to achieve sustainable health. A lot of people may say no pain no gain, where I teach you to listen to your body to correct habits so there is minimal to no pain for the long term.
  • About me
    I'm a former gymnast who loves helping people aquire new skills especially ones that lead to a healthier life style. I focus on workouts that will help keep your joints safe, including your lower back and neck. Getting started is a huge step, and i am familiar with restarting. I have had 6 joint surgeries, so restarting multiple times has taught me a lot and provided me with great insight to be mindful and caring as we get started on your journey. Together we will help get you away from the old you and into the New You!
  • Profession
    Health/Fitness Coach
  • Title
  • Hobbies and interest
    My hobbies are training/playing with my dog, gardening/bonsai, woodworking, and continuing to learn to home my skills and knowledge in regards to helping others
  • Website
  • Contact Information

  • Country
    United States
  • Google Business Review URL
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