My Profile | Network In Action(Photo Organizing and Storage) Lindie Wessling's profile
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    IYQ Memory Solutions
  • Phone
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  • Email
  • Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
    This is Lindie Wessling, her company is IYQ Memory Solutions. she has been providing service to families and protecting their memories for over 8 years. She is passionate about the importance of organizing your photos for future generations to have ease of access. Lindie uses white gloves to protect your precious memories.
  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    I love being able to help clients save, organize and share their printed and digital photos. Sharing photos and memories is an important way to document your family legacy.
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    Do you have videos or movie reels that you haven't seen for a long time or ever? Do you have family ancestral photos that you would like to preserve? Do you have photos from a trip that you would like to use to create a memory book? Do you have photos that you would like to use to create holiday gifts?
  • Unique Selling Proposition
    I provide a white glove service for your precious photos to help preserve them. I help you tell your family stories for future generations. I respect you and your memories!!
  • About me
    I am Lindsay (Lindie) Wessling, owner and founder of IYQ Memory Solutions. I was born in LaPorte, IN, but moved to New York state shortly thereafter. I grew up in Rome, NY where I attended elementary, junior high and high school. I went to college in Nashville, TN where I studied Elementary Education/Special Education, Diagnostic Testing and Reading at George Peabody College for Teachers which is now part of Vanderbilt University. I earned both my BS and MS degrees there. I started teaching in Louisville, KY and taught there for nine years. I met my husband in 1977 at Harlow's Discotheque. We got married there one month later. There were 3 television stations covering the wedding with over 500 people we didn't know, DJ, Justice of the Peace, and our attendants were the dance instructors at the disco. We have been married for 46 years as of August 11. We had a daughter in 1983. In 1985, my husband was transferred to Anaheim, CA where we lived for two and a half years. I taught there in several settings; private elementary school, two different business colleges, and did some substitute teaching. In 1988, we were transferred to Minneapolis, MN where we have been living ever since. I recently retired from my school district where I taught high school special education students for the majority of the 21 years here.

    I started taking pictures when I was about 10 years old. My family had been taking family trips out west to visit family so taking pictures of cattle, "The Badlands", and everyday life became the norm for me. We also took trips into Canada and throughout New York state on our houseboats. We took pictures of forts, lakes, canal locks, people, other boats, etc. We took several trips up the Rideau Waterway to Ottawa, Canada. These memories are very special. I have kept photo albums of many of those pictures. I also kept a couple of event albums: The History of Rome, NY: Fort Stanwix Days and Apollo Missions.

    IYQ (say it fast for I like you) was born many years ago when I was doing in home daycare. I wanted the children and families to feel safe and important in my care. This is the way that I feel about my photo coaching and organizing business. I like helping clients create beautiful items for their families and helping them in a way that helps them feel comfortable with their projects. Having been a teacher for over 40 years, I am comfortable working one on one, teaching groups, and working with clients on line using Zoom, Google Meet, and Google Hangout.

    I have been interested in genealogy for over 20 years and have done extensive work on my family trees. Because of this interest, I became interested in helping others to organize and share their family memories. I have been working as a Creative Memories Advisor for over 20 years and during this time I have been able to help many clients organize their photos and to create beautiful photo (memory) albums for their families. I started creating my own photo albums traditionally, but when the "digital age" came to be, I started creating hard cover memory books for my children, grand children, and other family members. I also help them design and print wall art, calendars, ornaments, mugs, puzzles and other photo gifts.

    I have achieved the Certified Pro and Privacy Advocate certifications with The Photo Managers and the Certified Educator certification with I am a Creative Memories Advisor also.
  • Profession
    Educator, Photo Organizer,
  • Title
  • Hobbies and interest
    I love to read, travel and camp with our family. I love being able to spend time with our grandchildren. Creating photo books for our family is a big interest for me. I love to hear family stories and to be able to help clients tell their stories for future generations.
  • Website
  • Contact Information

  • City / Town
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  • Country
    United States
  • Special offers to the group
    FREE 2GB account and $20 Welcome Coupon, FREE photo collection assessment
  • Facebook Business Page URL
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  • Education

  • College / University
    George Peabody College for Teachers of Vanderbilt University
  • Graduation Year
    1975, 1976