Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
The best way for me to be introduced is getting in front of the referral. Scheduling a lunch, meeting, etc. with all of us via email is the best way for me. Introducing me as someone who you currently work with and someone that would be a good connector for them is always a great way and trustworthy source.
What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
I pride myself with treating everyone the way I want to be treated. I go the extra mile because it's normally not very crowded. Giving my best to people fuels my aspirations and commitment to being the best.
Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
1. What does your current relationship with your banker look like? Do you have a banker?
2. How often does your banker reach out and you talk about your services currently being offered?
3. Do you currently feel valued or feel like a number at your current bank?
Unique Selling Proposition
I provide concierge business banking services to each and every client I get the opportunity to serve. I am relationship driven, motivated, and eager to help. I make myself available and provide attentive follow up.
About me
Experienced Business Banker with a demonstrated history of working in the banking industry. Network builder and influencer with membership and leadership across a variety of business development and philanthropic organizations across the greater Memphis Metro area and outlying communities.