My Profile | Network In Action(Public Speaking/Storytelling Coach) Star Bobatoon's profile
  • Basic Information

  • Company
    Star Consulting LLC
  • Phone
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  • Email
  • Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
    Star is a public speaking and storytelling coach teaching professionals how to use speaking to grow business, influence and impact.
  • What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
    I spent 25 years hiding my voice, denying my gifts until I found the confidence to share my message. I know others are doing the same. My desire is the illuminate and elevate the voices of others so they can share their messages and make the impact they are here to make.
  • Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
    Can you benefit from improving your presentation/speaking skills?
    Would you like to be more impactful every time you speak?
    Do you enjoy dancing?
  • About me
    "Engaging, knowledgeable, entertaining and impactful" are the words most used to describe Star Bobatoon.

    Star is a dynamic corporate trainer, award-winning speaker and story & presentation coach. Star’s background as an employment attorney gives her valuable insight into HR, corporate management and leadership issues. With over a decade of performance on stage, television and the big screen, Star delivers that insight in a high-energy and engaging style that enhances her effectiveness as a speaker, trainer and executive coach.

    As a presentation and public speaking coach equips professionals with solid skills and confidence to share their stories on stages small and large. Star understands the power of strategic story-telling in training businesses, organizations and individuals how to better communicate their products, services and individuality. She also empowers teams and individuals to uncover the limiting belief stories that keep them from reaching their full potential.

    Star leverages her diverse background to leave her audiences and clients informed, inspired and equipped with the practical skills necessary to achieve higher levels of personal and professional excellence. Her passion for empowering and inspiring people to be their best selves spills over into everything she does.
  • Profession
    Speaker and Presentation and Storytelling Coach
  • Title
  • Hobbies and interest
    Hand dancing bike riding and building with Legos. YES, LEGOS!!
  • Website
  • Contact Information

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  • Facebook Business Page URL
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Education

  • College / University
    UCLA Law
  • Graduation Year