Julie Rowland Interviews Katherine Robinson of Oasis Senior Advisors - Cincinnati.Learn more about Katherine here:https://www.networkinaction.com/index.php/p...
Network In Action is pleased to introduce Katherine Robinson of Oasis Senior Advisors - Cincinnati to the OH - Quadrivium Network In Action Group.Learn more...
Describe How You Would Like To Be Introduced Via Email
As a Senior Advisor helping families make informed decisions in finding the right living option for the care of their aging loved ones and connecting them to the right resources when they need them the most.
What is your "why"? Why do you do what you do?
I love seniors and helping them age well. Also, having experienced Alzheimer's with my mother, I desire to walk with families each step of the challenging path of making informed decisions for the care of their loved one. I enjoy reducing their stress and helping them have peace of mind by finding the right solutions.
Qualifying Questions: What are three questions we can ask clients to help pave the way for a referral? List them here.
Are you worried about your spouse/aging parent(s)?
Are you providing care for your spouse/parent(s)?
Have you ever considered the need for senior living for yourself or your parent(s)?
About me
Personally, I am married and have 2 children and three grandchildren. My career began in nursing and has broadened into overseas service, teaching English as a foreign language and now working in the senior space.