Come ready to LEARN and EARN with other Like-Minded Business Professionals! We Ensure the Value...
Come ready to LEARN and EARN with other Like-Minded Business Professionals! We Ensure the Value...
A Mastermind Meeting of 'the Minds!' We Meet, Eat, and Greet EVERY Second Wednesday of the Month to Give and Receive Qualified Business Referrals with other Trusted and Vetted Business Professionals who are Aligned with each other's Passions and Purpose to bring the MOST Value to our Personal and Professional Development as We Go Forward and Grow Forward, Together!
"Great Minds THINK Alike and LINK Alike..." - Mr. Issac D. Coleman (Franchise Owner)
Meeting Location:
El Patron Authentic Mexican Restaurant - 5811 Stage Rd, Bartlett, TN 38134
Google Maps Directions Link: